Prepare and deliver required reports & inspections
CDH Consulting staff prepare and submit the various regulatory compliance reports required for commercial and industrial operations. Common compliance deliverables prepared by CDH include annual Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reports, annual Emission Inventories (EI), Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) Tier II chemical reporting, NSPS Subpart OOOO, OOOOa, JJJJ, and ZZZZ reports, FracFocus reports, Venting and Flaring reports, and more.
CDH subject matter experts also prepare and manage Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) plans, Fugitive Emissions Monitoring (FEM) plans, Stormwater Management Plans (SWMP) and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), drilling reports, completions reports, venting and flaring reports for state and federal production, waste reports, and incident reports.